JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Immunoglobulin Therapy

ObligatoryMust not donate if:
a ) Immunosuppressed.

b) Donors with recovered immunodeficiency:
Refer to a Designated Medical Officer.
Discretionarya) If the intravenous or subcutaneous human immunoglobulin was given before 1980, accept.

b) Routine ante- and post- natal use of anti-D immunoglobulin, accept.

c) If single dose prophylactic immunoglobulin has been given, accept.
See if RelevantHepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Tetanus Immunization
Additional InformationImmunoglobulin used before 1980 is unlikely to be affected by vCJD.

Single dose immunoglobulin is unlikely to pose a significant risk for transmitting vCJD.
SeeIf treated with intravenous or subcutaneous human immunoglobulin:
Reason for ChangeA link to 'Transfusion' has been added.

Update Information

The advice reflects advice from the MSBTO committee of the DH.

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-BM Edition 203, Release 02